What is Auto LPG?

Auto LPG - a mixture of Propane & Butane, is the third most popular fuel globally. It is widely used as a green fuel and offers significant cost savings over Petrol & Diesel. Auto LPG is a clean, high octane and eco-friendly fuel. It is obtained from Natural Gas through fractionation and from crude oil through refining.
LPG is a gas at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperatures, but it can be liquefied by applying moderate pressure or when temperature is sufficiently reduced. This property makes LPG an ideal energy source for a wide variety of applications as it can be easily condensed, packaged, stored, and utilized. When the pressure is released, the liquid makes up for about 250 times its volume in gas, therefore large amounts of energy can be stored and transported compactly.
Auto LPG is snag free and safe in its movement, provides higher energy efficiency & power, reduces wear and tear of the engine and produces the least amount of emissions as compared to other fuels such as Diesel, Gasoline and CNG. Studies and operations worldwide have proven Auto LPG to be the most efficient, economical and eco-friendly fuel for automobiles. Rigorous tests performed under prescribed conditions have also proven Auto LPG to be one of the safest fuels. It is therefore increasingly becoming the preferred choice of fuel for road transport in the developed world. Auto LPG is used extensively in countries and climates as diverse as Italy, Australia, Netherlands and Japan.
All types of road vehicles can use Auto LPG as a fuel. Today, all major vehicle producers such as Maruti, Hyundai, Ford, Chevrolet, Toyota, Bajaj, etc. are manufacturing variants that run on Auto LPG. Auto LPG can easily be used in Trucks, Buses, LCVs, MUVs, Passenger Cars and Two & Three Wheelers. There are government prescribed conversion kits available which are safer, cheaper and more durable than the ones available for CNG.
The Green Fuel: The impact of LPG on greenhouse emissions is less than any other fossil fuel when measured through the total fuel cycle. LPG generates no smoke or fumes - it emits extremely low levels of Carbon Monoxide, Hydrocarbons and Nitrogen Oxides. It emits virtually no Sulphur oxides and no particulate matter. Conversion from petrol to Auto LPG substantially reduces air pollution caused by vehicular emissions.