Scope of Work

Scope of Work

The scope of work for the Dealer and Spice Gas under the Dealer Owned Dealer Operated (DODO) model is defined below.

Scope of Work - Dealer

  1. To submit copies of 7/12 extract for the land for obtaining the layout approval from the Chief Controller of Explosives (CCOE), Nagpur to start the civil work.
  2. To obtain (suitably amend / modify) the License for Shop Act, make available the land Non-Agriculture Certificate, obtain NoC from the local authority - (from District Magistrate / Collector - in case the land is outside the city limit or from Municipal Commissioner - in case the land is within city limits).
  3. Assigning a local coordinator to assist Spice Gas for all troubleshooting and resource mobilization.
  4. In case the civil work is being done by the client the following activities are in the dealer’s scope of work (the list is inclusive but not exhaustive):
    • Underground pit excavation and foundation for tank
    • Foundation for pump and dispenser
    • Chain link fencing - only in the tank area
    • Creation of trenches and grouting pipes
    • Sand filling in the trenches
    • Flooring: The piping and instrumentation area, including the storage tank area should be covered with concrete interconnecting paving blocks, popularly known as IPV. The other floor areas should preferably be covered with the same material or else in concrete.
    • Protective Wall: Depending on the location and surrounding locality, the CCOE may demand to erect protective walls on ether or all sides of the ALDS.
    • Safe Zone Cabin: To erect a small cabin 8’ x 8’ (minimum) at a distance of 6 meters from the dispenser. This room would host the control panels and would act as safe zone outside the LPG Area.
    • Canopy (if required): To cover the dispenser and surrounding area.
  5. Infrastructure: Various kinds of infrastructure may be required to be provided by client on site.
  6. Supply of Electricity: The total power required for the ALDS is 15 HP. However, the power should be from a constant voltage stable source, preferably with dependable backup.
  7. Availability of Water: Water is not required for the operation of ALDS. However, water should be made available during civil construction work, installation, hydro-testing of pipes and other activities.
  8. A temporary shed on site is required during erection for storing goods, tools and resting of staff.
  9. Security: Upon commencement of site work, the materials and equipment at various stages of installation could remain at the site for days. Client should provide adequate security on the site to prevent any theft or accident.
  10. Travel & Transportation: Travel and transportation arrangement of Spice Gas staff from place of lodging to the site shall be at the client's expense.

Scope of Work - Spice Gas

  1. Preparation of layout drawings and documents for pre-approval from the Chief Controller Of Explosives (CCOE)
  2. Obtaining the pre-approval from the CCOE
  3. Preparation of license documents for submission to the CCOE and obtaining the License for Operation
  4. Obtaining the safety certification of installation under rule 33 from competent authority as per the CCOE Requirement
  5. Provide type approvals for the dispenser from the Department of Legal Metrology
  6. To supply the equipment required for installation of the dispensing station as specified in the bill of materials.
  7. The Installation, erection, and commissioning of the dispensing station includes:
    • Supervision of civil work
    • Fabrication of manifolds and modules, incorporating instrumentation and pipe fitments
    • Unloading of LPG storage tank and installation of all tank gauges
    • Installation of Safety Relief Valves (SRV), Excess Flow Check Valves (EFCV), Remote Operated Valves (ROV) and Isolation Valves
    • Cleaning of pipelines
    • Hydro-testing of lines and manifolds
    • Installation of compressor, pneumatic line and lining up with ROV’s
    • Installation of LPG storage tank, dispenser and pump
    • Laying of electrical cables, fitting solenoids and erection of control panel
    • Interface control panel with pumps, dispenser, pressure sensors, ROV’s and tank gauges
    • Pressure testing of the system with Nitrogen
    • Connecting cathodic protection to the tank
    • Grounding of dispenser, pump and entire system
    • Painting of the equipment
  8. First Calibration of the dispenser using an imported calibration equipment with a standard meter
  9. Training of the client personnel for safe operations and effective management and of the dispensing Station

Equipment Specifications

  1. Auto LPG Dispenser: The Puma dispenser, manufactured by Yenen Engineering, Turkey, is a dual nozzle dispenser approved by the CCOE and legal Metrology Delhi (Department of Weight & Measures). Salient features of the dispenser include:
    • Housing (Electrostatic Coated Steel) with canopy
    • Hydraulic system comprising of a filter, Gas separator Flow Meter Differential Value house and nozzle.
    • Electronic System with Backlit LCD 1"
    • Display's Amount - 6 figures variable decimal point
    • Display's Volume - 5 figures variable decimal point
    • Display's Unit price - 4 figures variable decimal point
    • The dispenser shall have either price or volume preset
    • The Dispenser shall be stylized and painted as per the color scheme
  2. LPG Pump (Above Ground): The pump will either be an above ground Yenen pump with 3.8 Meters suction lift or an above ground Corken FF150 pump. These pumps are capable of handling suction through two tanks and hence is suitable for future expansions.
  3. LPG Storage Vessel: Spice Gas proposes to install a 20,000 liter (water capacity) tank at the design pressure of 14.2 kg/cm2.
  4. Tank Gauging: We provide a complete range of tank gauging equipment with a remote digital indicator for underground tank levels, safety relief valves, secondary magnetic level gauge and high level alarm & switch. All costs are included in the quotation, irrespective of the choice of tank.
  5. Cathodic Protection: Cathodic protection of a sacrificial anode type is provided along with the system. Cathodic protection is provided to prevent the system from attack of corrosion for a defined life span. An elaborate system is provided which protects the entire installation for a life span of 15 year at the minimum. Magnesium Anodes are used.
  6. Road Tanker Unloading System: The system includes SMART Hoses, Isolation Valves, Manometer and necessary piping connections and safety arrangements.
  7. Fire Fighting Equipment: As Per the safety rules, we supply the Fire Fighting equipment which includes two Fire Fighting extinguishers of 75 Kg and 10 Kg of Dry Chemical Power (DCP) Type.
  8. Control Panel: As per requirements, the system is a Pressure Based System which gives feedback to the control panel on when to start or stop the pump’s operation. The system provides a solution to two potential problems - dry run and cavitation.
  9. Air Compressor with Pneumatic Remote Operated Valves: The remote actuated valves are air actuated and are of Normally Closed (NC) type. A compressor is used to pressurize the pneumatic line and to actuate the Normally Closed Remote Operated Valve.
  10. LPG Piping and Instrumentation: Piping from the dispenser to the tank and compressor line is of Schedule 80 type.
  11. Electrical System, Cables and Wire: All the electrical connections from the control room to the components of the dispensing station shall be under the scope of Spice Gas. The scope is limited to the electrical cabling of the dispensing system only and excludes the electrical cabling from the supply point to the control room or electrical cabling for illumination of the dispensing station.
  12. Testing & Commissioning: Testing & commissioning of the ALDS is of very high importance. Testing includes various intermittent inspection checks for ensuring safety. This certification is done by a competent person who is approved by the CCOE.

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